XHDATA D-221 Radio Review

XHDATA D-221 Radio
Recently XHDATA sent me their D-220 radio to review. Every time they send out radios they request honest feedback from me (and others) and as a result of that feedback they shortly thereafter released the XHDATA D-221 radio. The Amazon cost is currently $18.90 with a 10% off campaign.
The most notable difference between the D-220 and D-221 is that the XHDATA D-221 includes NOAA Weather Band.
To me that was huge. Weather radio is so important where I live. I’m way in Eastern NC and hurricanes are a popular sport here. We were devastated during Hurricane Florence a few years ago. And of course we all know about the devastation in Western NC from the recent Hurricane.
While I may have inferred that the D-221 is an upgrade path from the D-220 I’m in no way saying that the D-220 is deficient in any way. It is a great little radio. After they sent me one to review I bought a couple other ones on my own dime.
While XHDATA provided me these radios to review not once have they ever tried to influence my reviews. In fact they ask for solid, constructive feedback. As a tech reviewer of sorts I can promise you that not all companies do that. I own a LOT of XHDATA radios, most of which I have bought with my own money. I’m already a fan.
Radio Requirements ‘O Mine
I love radios and don’t want to say how many I own because my wife reads this! I own radios that are the size of tables and I own radios that slip in a pocket. I love bright dials in a dark room and spinning frequency knobs while wearing headphones and drinking energy drinks. While I dig that experience there are also a lot of times I need a small radio that DOESN’T have dials, LED’s, Alarms, Sirens, etc. If I’m doing work around my house or other family members homes I like to slip a radio in the tool bag. And that is where the XHDATA D-221 comes in.
Portability is key. You don’t know you need a radio until you need one. Just like you might carry a First Aid kit in the car you really should have a small unobtrusive radio in your Go Bag. If disaster strikes as it did recently in Western NC you’d be well served to have a small but very capable radio in your console or glove box, especially if you are escaping something terrible. Victims of that hurricane were even communicating that they wish they could listen to the emergency ham radio traffic as that was about all that was working.
Do you see where I’m going with this? You might think “I have a smart phone”. Yep, so did all the people in Western NC. Cell service went out. Internet was out.
What wasn’t out was AM/FM and Short Wave radio. YOU NEED A SMALL RADIO. YOU JUST HAVEN’T NEEDED IT YET.
Is The XHDATA 221 The Perfect Gift?
Yeah. I think so. If I give you an emergency radio for your Go Kit, it means I love you!
XHDATA D-221 (click pic to enlarge)
This is a multi band radio which covers:
- MW (AM Radio) 520-1730KHz
- FM 87-108MHZ
- SW 5.6-22.0MHz
- Weather Band 162.40-162.55MHz
The key differences between the D-220 and the D-221 is that the 221 has Weather Band and does NOT have the FM2 range (64-108MHz) that the D-220 has. That FM range is found in Europe. No one in North America should have any issues at all with FM2 being gone.
Also it has a headphone jack and uses common AA batteries. Add in a telescoping antenna and a kickstand.
I’m mostly a blogger but on this occasion I’ll make a quick overview video of the features and usability.
Final Thoughts
When everything stops working, radio will still work. While computers and smart phones are awesome, when it comes down to it you really should own a regular radio. A radio that has features such as short wave radio and NOAA weather radio are vital when navigating through disaster. This radio is inexpensive, small, light, durable and belongs in every car, truck, camper and bug out bag. If you love someone, gift them one of these radios.
AM reception is good at night. FM is good where I live and it receives the stations I listen to. I haven’t tried to FM DX with it. Surprisingly short wave works VERY WELL. The SW reception exceeds some of my other way more expensive radios.
This radio makes the perfect gift. There is no real excuse to not buy one. There is no affiliate link here. I get nothing for saying that. XHDATA sure hasn’t applied any pressure to me to say that. I love radios. I own dozens. And if a radio isn’t good I am not afraid to say it isn’t good.
These D-22X series radios are GOOD. The D-221 moves this line along with a couple of big improvements.
Great review. I just received my D-221 in the mail today and I look forward to testing it out.