Evolve III Maestro Laptop Review
I was scrolling around some tech sites and saw some discussion on an $80 laptop. The device in question was an Evolve III Maestro 11.6″ laptop at Micro Center. Sadly, that price is for in store only and there isn’t a Micro Center anywhere near me. Other outlets sell these, but the going rate seems to be $130 to $140. While this laptop is appealing at $80 it really isn’t really very enticing at any higher of a price tag than that.
I managed to find one on eBay for about $65 and while it claimed to be used, it was for all intensive purposes a brand new laptop. It still had the plastic screen protector on it.

Evolve III Maestro
Booted it up and it had a clean, uninstalled copy of Windows 10 on it. But that’s not what I wanted it for.
I bought this to play around with old OS’s, primarily Haiku. I’ve been going through a nostalgia phase and a “what might have been” phase. OS/2 Warp, BeOS, etc. both of which were superior operating systems to Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
I found a cool installation video for Haiku on this laptop by YouTuber Action Retro.
So I set about to install Haiku on here and lo and behold……..I succeeded.

Haiku on Evolve III
It worked, but with a few caveats. I must have the version 1 of this laptop as I had audio straight out of the installation. I’ve heard that later versions of the laptop have no sound driver for Haiku.
The trackpad didn’t work and neither did the onboard WiFi. Both were resolved by adding USB dongles for a mouse and WiFi.
Sadly that ties up both USB ports on the laptop.
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