So at this point it is safe to say I’m a police scanner junkie. This started with my love of Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices. You get an SDR then you tune to FM stereo, then you track aircraft ADSB, then somewhere along the lines you start listening to anything you can which includes emergency services stuff.
First you just listen to analog police, then you find out there are digital trunked systems. That evolves into using programs such as DSD+ with Unitrunker or another program called SDRTrunk or OP25.
Then you realize that you’re into hardware scanners. I started out with a Uniden SDS100 which is probably the most technologically advanced consumer grade scanner on the market at this moment. It probably unseated the Whistler TRX-1. If you read the forums there is kind of a Ford/Chevy thing going on with Uniden/Whistler. I had to see what all the fuss was about so I got the Whistler TRX-1.
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