Sainlogic Weather Station SA1 Review

Sainlogic Weather Station SA1
Over the years I have dabbled with weather stations. However, I haven’t touched one for ages. The older I get though, the more I realize that weather is something I stay on top of more and more. I’m old but I still ride a bicycle and daily I check the temperature and wind to see if I can ride. I was pretty happy when Sainlogic approached me to test and review their new SA1 Home Weather Station ($69.99).
After I unboxed the SA1 and did a quick setup I came to realize that I personally would level up to one of their higher end stations if I were spending my own money. Allow me to explain why.
The following comment is not meant to be negative in any fashion. And it pertains only to me and others like me. I mentioned WIND earlier. Every morning I ask my Alexa what the temperature is and then what the wind is. Also, I won’t go out if the wind is 10 mph or faster unless it is blowing West or South West. I want to be able to look at that screen and see the wind speed and direction.
I imagine that 98% of people are content to look outside and say “It sure is windy, eh?”. So I know I am the exception here. All I am saying here is that wind speed is a super important statistic to me. And what I’m really saying is that I WOULD BUY A MORE EXPENSIVE WEATHER STATION FROM SAINLOGIC to satisfy MY requirements. In absolutely no way am I dismissing the SA1. But the fact is, the SA1 does not display wind speed on its screen. It can however we obtained from the app “Weatherseed” at any time. Weatherseed is required to set up the SA1.
All this being said I’ll start my shakedown of the Sainlogic Weather Station SA1 and I think it is pretty darn cool.
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