Best Budget Laser Engraver For 2025
There is a bit of a divide between the “Best Laser Engraver” and the “Best Budget Laser Engraver”. I personally feel that to start off in the laser engraving side hustle game that you should start cheap. I follow a lot of laser forums and an awful lot of people jump in the game at a price point by buying the most advanced and expensive machine they can get with stars in their eyes. Then they find out they lack the requisite skills to compete in the laser engraving game. Subsequently they end up selling their gear or letting it gather dust.
While a budget laser will run at slower speeds, the reduction in speed combined a minuscule sized laser dot from a lower powered laser module will achieve the absolute best engraving detail possible. I think this is a point lost on most laser engraver operators.
Comparatively, the famous photographer Ansel Adams didn’t use the highest end cameras on the market. He knew how to exploit what he had.
Typically, my threshold for a “Best Budget Laser Engraver” is around $300. I may push that a little bit this year but not by much. That being said, let’s explore some of the best budget lasers you can find for 2025.
Know this. Almost all desktop diode lasers, heck, maybe all of them come from China or Hong Kong. If tariffs are placed on Chinese goods from the incoming Presidential administration then the best time to buy your new laser is RIGHT NOW. In fact I’ve seen prices raise a bit recently, probably as a result of that possibility.
The Best Budget Laser Engraver For 2025
This one isn’t even close. As an experienced laser operator reading this you might scoff at this but I recommend every laser side hustle work shop own one of these.
Acmer S1
The ACMER S1 wins my vote for the Best Budget Laser Engraver of 2025. When they first hit the street the cost was around $99. The price has increased a bit and now shows as $119 on ACMER’s website for the 2.5 watt version.
Additionally, they offer a 3.5 laser option for $139.
While smaller than most desktop diode lasers with an engraving size of 130 x 130 mm it still packs a mighty punch from a portability standpoint.
Maybe the best selling point is that it is pre-assembled. All the owner has to do is to mount the laser module on the machine. One of the largest issues in the laser engraver world is that the user has to assemble their machine. Poor assembly equals a poor experience.
The laser spot size is a minuscule 0.04 x 0.04 mm square. That is tiny and provides exceptional detail. Again, this is a point lost on most laser operators. While this is far from a high quantity production machine, it will however engrave that one tiny item your customer brings in with exquitite results. Better results than your $3000 high powered laser will.
The Best Budget Laser Engraver Is Portable

ACMER S1 In The Woods
Regarding portability……….the Acmer S1 cannot be beat. I did this recently on my deck out in the woods.
The results, while slow were just what I wanted and all I had to hump in was that tiny S1, a small portable power supply, and a laptop.
The S1 has end stops which are not always found on budget lasers.
I can’t say enough good things about this laser. And it is FUN.
I really enjoy using it. And the old adage applies here, “Don’t use a sledgehammer to drive a nail.” The ACMER S1 is all that a lot of users need. And if you are an experienced laser user and laugh at that, I invite you to peruse all the laser forums right about now and see how many users have broken machines and can’t fill holiday orders. For as long as there have been desktop laser engravers, I have been saying that any laser engraver business needs a stack of spare parts or a second laser. Not big, not fast, but this is a $119 insurance policy to keep you afloat. The ACMER S1 is a must for any work shop.
ACMER Again! P1 S Pro

I recently reviewed the P1 S here. At that time I called it the Best Budget Laser of 2024. It slipped down a notch on my list. Not because it isn’t awesome, but because I am focusing on the word “BUDGET”.
ACMER’s S1 gets that title this year. Still, if you want a laser with a larger bed and a little more power this checks in at $199 and can be found here.
Again I should point out that it is only a 6 watt laser, however, remember when I said that lower power equals a smaller laser dot which equals more detailed engravings? Sure you do! I won’t expand too much more since I already did an extensive review that you should certainly check out.
Longer Ray5 5 Watt Laser Engraver

Longer Ray5 Laser Engraver
This is unusual because I generally never write about things I have never used myself. That being said I have a good working relationship with Longer3D and have no qualms about adding the Longer Ray5 ($179.99).
For less than $200 you get a full sized 5 watt laser. That’s a bargain beyond belief in a world full of $700 lasers.
I have enough experience with Longer to know they are really working hard to make a name in the laser engraving community and they have been wonderful to me and have offered great support when I have asked questions or pointed out any issues. I have full confidence in Longer and their venture into the laser game.
Even if you own a big expensive, high powered laser already it is a no-brainer to have this as a backup machine. They even have a Pro Set which has a honeycomb panel and an air assist kit for $259.99 which I’d recommend buying. At $260 it still falls comfortably within my $300 budget laser recommendation.
Ortur LM2 S2

Ortur LM2
If you dig around my blog you’ll find that I am not a fan of recent Ortur offerings or their support. So this may be somewhat surprising.
Ortur was first to the commercial desktop diode laser game with the LM1 and LM2 series. I have owned and sold about 4 Ortur LM2’s. Despite its age it is a workhorse. And I know a maker in Texas that uses the LM2 S2 ($349.99, for the 10 watt version). She makes gigantic and elaborate wooden flags with just an LM2 S2 and I have no idea how she does it. That just goes to prove that it is the artist as much as it is the tool.
At $350 it crosses my $300 threshold by a hair but you can buy a 5.5 watt version for $269.99.
Despite the age of its design it is a rock solid machine that is lightweight and accurate. Additionally, since it was among the first desktop diode lasers available the DIY community went nuts and created all manner of accessories and hacks for the machine. It is an epic platform to modify. I’m still not happy with the support from Ortur these days but I do know you can still get spares for this thing. This may always be one of the best budget lasers as long as it is available.
Refurbished Lasers
I’d be remiss in not pointing out that many laser manufacturers get sent in returns which show up again in the wild as refurbished units. If you can get your hands on a refurbished xTool D1 Pro for less than $300 you are winning big. Recently though, xTool discontinued that line of lasers however they pop up on the refurbished page from time to time. Even though this machine has hit the end of its life cycle you can’t get a better laser for less than $300.
If you can find one on the 2nd hand market I’d recommend giving it a good inspection. Focus on the laser module, lens, and cable condition before forking over any money. And if a factory refurbished machine goes for less than $300 you shouldn’t pay more for that on the secondary market unless you get a ton of accessories.
UPDATE: I just found the ACMER P2 on their refurbished page for $309. Run, don’t walk, to score this deal. I called the P2 the Best Laser for 2024 here. Feel free to check that review out. If I didn’t already have one, I’d snatch this up.
Final Thoughts
I see it so often that people wake up one day and decide they are going to become millionaires by engraving pencils and keychains and they invest large in a top dollar machine. That can easily run over $1000 and even well over that. Then they get the machine and figure out that it is a lot more complicated than they thought. I would personally advise anyone just getting started to buy a budget machine and make sure that you’re on track to level up to the next tier.
I’ve found that laser engravers, even budget ones, sell pretty good on the secondary market but you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS keep a budget machine around for a back up. End of rant.