I like pocketknives. A lot. I’m actually one of those guys with a giant fear of getting cut and I have zero desire to ever use a knife as a weapon. For me, the act of carrying a knife is more about being the instant savior to a situation with my fancy multi-tool. And I like knowing I’m prepared and ready for whatever may happen to me.
NOTE: 99% of my knife usage is opening Amazon boxes that contain knives.
My pocketknife of choice is, and always has been Victorinox Swiss Army knives. As a young boy I remember the excitement of the first Cub Scout knife. Wow. What a responsibility. It was taught as such and that message was received as such. God I love my generation.
So I am a knife collector of sorts. Swiss Army, Benchmade, Spyderco and other EDC items like flashlights and pens that actually work in the weather.
Even though the Swiza knives have been around for a while I decided to pick one up and try it out. Allow me to answer the question in my subject line.
No. The Swiza is NOT a Swiss Army knife killer. However it is a pretty nice little knife. I got the blue version of the D06.

Swiza D06
The knife has quite a heft to it. It isn’t super heavy but it does seem a bit bulkier than the standard Swiss Army knife.
One of the key selling points is that it has cut outs in the individual tools that are supposed to allow you to easily pull out whatever tool you are looking for.
The Swiss Army knives have ground in nail nicks which can sometimes be difficult to get in there and easily open a tool unless you have a long strong fingernail.
For me though pulling out a tool is still just as difficult.
I do like the grip which is some kind of rubbery material and I imagine it would provide a decent grip if it were wet.
Swiss Army knife users are always talking about the “snap” of the knife. When you push a tool back in and it gets past the point of no return it snaps back into place. It’s an experience and it kind of defines quality to a lot of knife users.
I don’t feel like the action of the Swiza has that fancy “snap”. But it doesn’t have a bad action either. Just different.
The tool compliment is pretty useful.

Swiza D06 Tool Compliment
It has:
- Main blade
- Saw
- Can Opener with small Screwdriver tip
- Bottle Opener with Screwdriver tip
- Awl with a sewing hole in it
- Phillips screwdriver (not shown in the photo above)
- Tweezers
Pretty sweet but where is the toothpick? At first I thought there were no tweezers but they are freaky well hidden.
I have not put this knife though any paces yet but the cut outs in all the tools seem to me to maybe be stress riser points and will weaken the tool or create a nice place for a crack to start or for stress corrosion cracking to occur.
Warranty…………They have a lifetime warranty but it ain’t the same kind of lifetime warranty that Victorinox has. Case in point. I found a pretty rare Swiss Army knife on a local classified ad only the guy who had it didn’t know it was rare. It was his boyhood knife and it was MESSED UP. Tip of the blade broken off, blade bent, screwdriver bent, magnifying glass broken, plastic scales cracked. It was MESSED UP. Victorinox restored it to a like new condition for $5, which I assume covers their shipping costs. Doesn’t matter who the original owner is.
Swiza says their warranty is only good for the original purchaser of the knife and then you gotta prove it was you. Also it doesn’t cover normal wear and tear. Say what? So in mind it’s kind of a lifetime warranty that ain’t really a lifetime warranty. Oh great. Now I’ll start getting calls to buy an extended warranty on my Swiza knife. 😃
The Swiza D06 is a decent knife but they are up against a company with over 100 years of product refinement. When you have been in business since the 1880’s you obviously are doing something right. Think for a minute………what companies come to mind when you try to think of one that has been around for over 100 years?
Swiza has indeed been around a while but they specialized in clocks and watches. Knives are a new thing for them.
Swiza…….cool knife. Every Swiss Army knife collector should own one for comparisons sake. It would be great for the glovebox or backpack or bugout kit but then again so is a Swiss Army knife. The only way this knife would be a killer is if it were half the price of a Swiss Army knife. As it is it may be as expensive or more than comparable models. I paid around $50 for this knife. The same $50 in a Swiss Army knife would get you a plethora of useful tools.
To each their own. You may view this knife as a SAK killer, but I don’t.
Pretty spot on. I always figured Victorinox owned Swiza until I read this. I think I will stick with my Spartan😎👍
On eBay just now, the Swiza D06 ads plainly show the tweezers in the picture, and mentions it in the text. Maybe you overlooked the tweezers on yours?
I’ll be darned. Took me a few minutes to find them but they are indeed on there. Thanks!