Mac Vinyl Sign Software

Roland GX-24
In 2005 Roland released the GX-24 Vinyl Sign machine. I don’t remember exactly when I bought mine but it was probably around then because I had it shipped to Iwakuni Japan and that was around the time I did my last tour there. Over the years I migrated to the Mac OS and Mac Vinyl Sign Software was few and far between.
After some time a couple hunks of software hit the market and I recall using Sign Cut Pro. It was awesome but they went to a “pay yearly or monthly plan”. Shortly after that I found Easy Cut Studio which I use right up to this day.
Admittedly I very seldom use my vinyl sign machine these days. And it isn’t because the Roland GX-24 isn’t awesome, because it still is. My machine is a finely tuned hunk of hardware and still plenty fast. But the other day I made a prototype sign for a wedding.

Wedding Sign
Sure enough, everything still works like a champ. But I got curious about the software I was using. The version of Easy Cut Studio I use is Version 5 and they now have a Version 6. I went to update it, because that’s what John’s Tech Blog does. John’s Tech Blog also deep dives things before spending money.
Sure Cuts A Lot
I found a Reddit thread on Mac Vinyl Sign Software that mentioned Sure Cuts A Lot from Craft Edge. So I downloaded it. They have crippled freeware and it works but it cuts lines through your project until you register it. No problem. Anyway, I download SCAL and darned it if doesn’t look IDENTICAL to Easy Cut Studio. Hmmmmmm. Both cost $59.99.
Mac Vinyl Sign Software Comparison
Sure looks almost identical to me. If you study both pics there are some subtle differences but essentially these are the same softwares.
Deeper Dive
Turns out that Sure Cuts A Lot is the original developer and Easy Cut Studio is rebranded software. It also appears the Sure Cuts A Lot gets updated more frequently and does get newer features and bug fixes first.
So if you are going to drop money on Mac Vinyl Sign Software you should probably buy Sure Cuts A Lot. I did.