Category Archives: laser

LaserPecker 5 Review

LaserPecker 5

LaserPecker 5

With a name like LaserPecker, you know it has to be great. And with a 5th generation LaserPecker 5, ($2899) it really has to be great.   The LP5 is a combination 20 watt 450 nanometer (nm) blue diode laser and a 20 watt 1064 nm IR fiber laser.  This allows for engraving on a large variety of materials to include wood, paper, leather, metals and plastics and a whole lot of other items.

It currently only has one other straight up competitor with the inclusion of the 20 watt fiber laser.  I was super excited to test this as my other combo lasers are 10 watt diode and 2 watt 1064nm IR lasers.  I do have a dedicated 30 watt fiber laser and I’m very curious to see how it compares to that.

Additionally, I have tested the LP4 and it kind of fell into the “Fantastic Hardware, Not So Fantastic Software” category as far as I was concerned.  So I’ll be focusing a bit more on LaserPecker Design Space software.  And I’ll be looking at Lightburn integration for the LaserPecker 5.
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ACMER P3 2IN1 Laser Engraver Review

ACMER P3 2IN1 Laser Engraver Review



Someone has FINALLY done it.  ACMER has made a FULL SIZED laser engraver that has both a 2 watt IR Laser and a 10 watt blue diode laser in a single module.  Enter the ACMER P3 2IN1.  My readers can use the code Johncode for 15% off at the official site.  That link is an affiliate link and it helps me keep this website afloat. 

Also it can be purchased from Amazon. My readers can use the code 208UHVU7 for 20% off.

I know you are probably thinking that there are several lasers on the market that have an IR and a blue diode, and you’d be right.  But, none of them have an engraving area of 400 x 390 mm.  Everything that is out there now is 130 x 130 mm or less.

Also, the desktop diode laser is only about 6 years old.  Everything prior to 2019 was probably a DIY hobbyist build.  My first laser in 2019 had end stops and really nothing else.   My how we have come a long way since then.  Laser engravers these days such as the ACMER P3 are in self contained enclosures with eye protection.  We have gone from Class 4 to Class 1 regarding safety.  Class 1 being the most safe.  The ACMER P3 has lights, air assist, a camera, and emergency features.  The bottom of the enclosure comes with a honeycomb panel and a bottom clean out drawer.  The bottom tray also keeps you from laser engraving the top of your wife’s table.
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Best Budget Laser Engraver For 2025

Best Budget Laser Engraver For 2025

There is a bit of a divide between the “Best Laser Engraver” and the “Best Budget Laser Engraver”.  I personally feel that to start off in the laser engraving side hustle game that you should start cheap.   I follow a lot of laser forums and an awful lot of people jump in the game at a price point by buying the most advanced and expensive machine they can get with stars in their eyes. Then they find out they lack the requisite skills to compete in the laser engraving game.  Subsequently they end up selling their gear or letting it gather dust.

While a budget laser will run at slower speeds, the reduction in speed combined a minuscule sized laser dot from a lower powered laser module will achieve the absolute best engraving detail possible.  I think this is a point lost on most laser engraver operators. 

Comparatively, the famous photographer Ansel Adams didn’t use the highest end cameras on the market.   He knew how to exploit what he had.

Typically, my threshold for a “Best Budget Laser Engraver” is around $300. I may push that a little bit this year but not by much.  That being said, let’s explore some of the best budget lasers you can find for 2025.
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xTool D1 Pro Laser Discussion

xTool D1 Pro Laser Discussion

xTool D1 Pro

Photo snatched from xTool website

I have to write this here because the xTool laser Facebook forum just probably wouldn’t allow it.   xTool has recently stopped selling the xTool D1 Laser Pro.   This has led to about 2 weeks of non-stop whining and crying from D1 and D1 Pro Owners.

First of all let me state that I am NOT one of those complainers.  I have a D1 Pro with an extended bed.  Mine is 20 watts and I also own the IR module.  Here is why I’m not worried.

The D1 first hit the world stage in 2021.  That makes it 4 years old.  The D1 Pro hit the stage in 2022.  3 years old.

Desktop laser engravers first showed up commercially in 2019.  Lasers have just not been around that long.  However, every year the technology increases exponentially.   Even though the D1 is awesome, it is slowly becoming a dinosaur.  There have been incredible advancements in safety and laser technology in general.

If my laser dies, it dies. It has served me well for several years and certainly paid for itself.  I’m also not worried because I maintain my machine impeccably and I BOUGHT SPARES.

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Algolaser Rotary Chuck Review

Algolaser Rotary Chuck Review

Algolaser Rotary Chuck

Algolaser Rotary Chuck

The nice folks at Algolaser recently sent me their  Algolaser Rotary Chuck (ARC) ($139 currently) to review.  Additionally, there is a hot promotion from Nov 5-13, 2024.

I own a lot of rotary tools which range from home made, 3D printed ones to extremely expensive rotary devices for my CNC and fiber lasers.

I can tell the good ones from the bad ones.  So far, I am liking what I see here.  When desktop lasers hit the scene in 2019 soon after rotary devices made their appearance.   The first rotary devices were, and are still good, but configuring the software settings was crazy.  Things have gotten so much better in the rotary world since then.

Algolaser branched off from Ortur and I for one am glad they did.  My last couple Ortur lasers had serious quality issues.  Algolaser has exceeded my expectations since they stood up their company.   I’ll be using this rotary chuck on the Algolaser Alpha MK2 laser.
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New Best Budget Laser ACMER S1

New Best Budget Laser ACMER S1

Best Budget Laser

Acmer S1

I am beyond lucky to test and review some of the biggest, baddest, and most expensive desktop laser engravers.  So why am I so excited about the Acmer S1?  Why am I calling it the Best Budget Laser?

Answer:  Because it is.  It costs $100 for the 2.5 watt version and $119 for the 3.5 watt.  It can also be purchased from AliExpress for a bit cheaper.

I think that a lot of prospective new laser owners  think that they’ll make a ton of money doing crafty things.   People will spend a thousand dollars or more to buy the best laser they can find.  Shortly after you’ll see them on a forum saying they don’t know how to get started.

Or my personal favorite forum post is, “My machine broke and I have orders to fill.  This is unacceptable”.  Read on as the Acmer S1 is the cure for both of those problems.

The ACMER S1 comes fully assembled and costs $100 (for the 2.5 watt version).

Additionally, it operates as any other desktop laser engraver that uses GRBL code.   It has a respectable, albeit small, working size of 130 x 130 mm.
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Longer Nano Pro Laser Review

Longer Nano Pro 12W Laser Review

Longer Nano Pro

Longer Nano Pro

I was recently provided a Longer Nano Pro 12W ($799) by the nice folks at Longer3D.  The Pro version is a 12 watt blue diode laser and a rotary extension and slide extension are included.

The Nano Pro  looks fairly similar to a Laser Pecker but I assure you this is a different beast.   The Nano only has one laser and does not contain the IR (1064 nm) laser as does the LP.  Consequently, that makes it quite a bit less expensive than the LP.

Without drudging up the past too much I went on record on my blog saying how much I disliked the Laser Pecker 4.   Because of the similar looks I kind of expected the Nano Pro to shake out the same way.  File this under “Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover”.

SPOILER ALERT:  I really, really like this machine.  It is simple, effective,  and the included Lightburn device file is exceptional.  I did find a quirk or two which I’d categorize as “Learning Curve”.  I’ll discuss that later.  This machine is the right size, the right power, and has the right amount of portability.  If you are a crafter or a scrapbooker the Nano or Nano Pro is custom made for you.
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TOOCAA L2 Laser Engraver Review

TOOCAA L2 Laser Engraver Review


TOOCAA L2 Desktop Laser Engraver

I was recently provided a Desktop Laser Engraver from TOOCAA.  TOOCAA stands for “Tool Can Create Amazing Art”.  The laser that showed up on my doorstep is the TOOCAA L2, 20 Watt diode laser ($999.00).

Desktop laser engravers have been roughly the same up until recently.  In the last year or so there has been an explosion of upgrades and safety features.  The TOOCAA L2 certainly is carrying that torch into the future.  Where it really shines is in the realm of safety.
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Acrylic Sheet For Laser Cutting

Acrylic Sheet For Laser Cutting

If you use a laser for your side hustle it won’t be long before you begin to dabble with Acrylic Sheet for laser cutting.  From signage to keychains and everything in between, acrylic sheets can produce projects suitable for sales.  One of the major issues with acrylic sheet for laser cutting is sourcing the material.

A quick trip to Lowe’s, Home Depot, or the Craft store won’t get you much, if any selection.  I have been buying clear cast sheets from Home Depot for some time only to see the source dry up.  Additionally, there are different types of acrylic sheets.  Some are best for engraving, and some are best for cutting.

I have also sourced material from several manufacturers but never found the “perfect” acrylic.  I found my sources from laser forum discussions.  Conversely,  I have been around the block a time or two as it relates to acrylic sheet material.  It is tough to find a good source.
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Laser Buying Guide 2024

Laser Buying Guide 2024

Laser Buying Guide

Laser Buying Guide

Welcome to my Laser Buying Guide for 2024.  Selecting a laser engraver is harder than ever before.   There are several types of lasers and more than a few selections within each category.

Over the years I have assembled many lasers and have sold more than a few.  And I seem to get asked the same questions over and over by prospective buyers.

Most new, prospective laser purchasers probably find out too late what their new laser can and cannot do.  It is important to understand the differences in laser types BEFORE you purchase one.
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