Longer Nano Pro 12W Laser Review

Longer Nano Pro
I was recently provided a Longer Nano Pro 12W ($799) by the nice folks at Longer3D. The Pro version is a 12 watt blue diode laser and a rotary extension and slide extension are included.
The Nano Pro looks fairly similar to a Laser Pecker but I assure you this is a different beast. The Nano only has one laser and does not contain the IR (1064 nm) laser as does the LP. Consequently, that makes it quite a bit less expensive than the LP.
Without drudging up the past too much I went on record on my blog saying how much I disliked the Laser Pecker 4. Because of the similar looks I kind of expected the Nano Pro to shake out the same way. File this under “Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover”.
SPOILER ALERT: I really, really like this machine. It is simple, effective, and the included Lightburn device file is exceptional. I did find a quirk or two which I’d categorize as “Learning Curve”. I’ll discuss that later. This machine is the right size, the right power, and has the right amount of portability. If you are a crafter or a scrapbooker the Nano or Nano Pro is custom made for you.
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