Once upon a time I weighed in at over 300 lbs. How much over, I don’t know because your average scale doesn’t go over 300 lbs. I went to the doctor and he told me I’d never make it to 40. That may have been the one time in my life that someone said something and it actually made me take serious notice. He wrote me a prescription for all kind of stuff. I declined to fill the prescriptions and stated I knew what the problem was. I was too damn fat. So he tells me he wants to see me back in 45 days.
It’s at this point I decide to change things. I was sent TAD to Pax River Maryland when I did my first treadmill exercise. I didn’t even own any exercise equipment. I ran the treadmill in boxers and black socks, no shoes. I must have been quite a sight. I ran a mile and I wished it would have killed me. By the end of the trip I was running my miles daily and kinda digging it.