Wera Tools calls their users and fan base “Tool Rebels”. I generally don’t fall into hype like that however, I recently picked up a few Wera Tools after having owned a screwdriver set for years.
I think it is safe to say that I’m a Tool Rebel!
Let me issue you a challenge. Look at hand tools that your father used, or your grandfather used, or look at some antique tools. Not a whole lot has changed. Screwdrivers are roughly the same, socket sets are roughly the same. No one has tried to improve upon these designs. But Wera has some very unique engineering upgrades to these common items.

Wera Zyklop
Just look at this Zyklop ratchet. This is the first ratchet I’ve seen with an ergonomic handle. At best they usually have some rough pattern for grip. Also the head detents at several different locations. You can set it to 0 degrees and use it like nut driver then when you need to apply some torque you can detent to 90 degrees like a normal socket. Or you can detent it to 15 degrees which gives you that little bit of clearance on the handle end just like a box end wrench. Brilliant.
So does that make Wera the best tools on the planet? My answer is very situational. It depends on what you use your tools for. You’ll get a very different answer from a lifelong auto mechanic than you will get from the retired guy who just needs to honey-do a few things around the house. Consequently an electronics repair man is going to have much different requirements than an appliance repair man.