Leatherman Signal
I love Swiss Army knives but I love me a good multi-tool as well. I have several, from several manufacturers, and since I sometimes go camping I decided to pick up a Leatherman Signal in Cobalt Blue. In most reviews you’ll see the reviewer discuss in almost identical detail the things that are linked in the manufacturers product page.
Not me.
I’ll just tell you what I like, or don’t like about it. First of all I have a Leatherman Surge and a Wave Plus. I’ve had this Signal for a long time and just never got around to reviewing it.
The Surge is awesome, especially with the accessory tools such as the Rachet Driver and by and large the Wave Plus is my favorite of the Leatherman offerings. I don’t even need to elaborate. Just get one and you’ll likely agree.
The Signal is a different beast entirely. And I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. And in fact I’ll cut right to the chase. The redeeming value this knife possesses for hiking and camping is the Ferrocerium Rod (fire starter) and the hammer for pounding in some tent stakes or likewise. And even then, the hammer has a small face on it and not a great grip for hammering.
Again, cutting straight to the chase here…………..I’d rather be toting a Wave Plus and some other separate ferro rod for starting fires.
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