GRECELL T200 240 Watt Portable Power Station Review

GRECELL T200 240 Watt Portable Power Station
Every home should have a portable power station for emergencies or for just the convenience of keeping small electronic devices charged. Phones, tablets, laptops, radios are among the many things that can be charged. I was recently contacted by GRECELL and asked to review their GRECELL T200 240 Watt Portable Power Station. Current pricing is $129 on Amazon with a $40 off coupon. Unsure how long the coupon will be available. That means that now is the time to get one.
As luck would have it we experienced a winter storm a day or two after I received the T200. I had begun some endurance testing and then decided to top off the device for the storm.
I put it in our bedroom and sure enough the power went out. As much as anything the light came in super handy. It provided great light sufficient to find my phone. From there I was able to check on loved ones. Also I was able to walk around the home and inspect items outside such as fallen tree limbs.
The light was a great tool for inspecting around our property.
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