Is There A Single Radio That Can Do Amateur Radio And GMRS?
This is kind of a trick question. Technically, there are radios capable of doing this. And you can buy these radios today. The inherent problem though is that these radios violate the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47 and FCC Rules and Regulations for Amateur Radio and General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) radios to include Family Radio Service (FRS) and Multi Use Radio Service (MURS).

Baofeng UV-5R Pre-2021
Actually, a few years ago there were radios being imported into the United States that were capable of VHF/UHF, FRS, GMRS, and MURS.
If you bought the venerable Baofeng UV-5R prior to 2021 you had all these capabilities. In 2021 the FCC started disallowing the importation of radios that didn’t meet newly written regulations.
Subsequently, I bought several of these things when I first got my FCC License and still have them all. The UV-5R’s prior to 2021 were the magic radios that did it all.
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