Choyong LC90 Radio Review

Choyong LC90 MW/FM/SW/Internet Radio
It is pretty clear that I have a radio addiction. I’ve lost track of how many I have. I’ve been eyeballing the Choyong LC90 since it dropped in China early in 2023. To be honest I hadn’t yet purchased it because of the price. The other day though, I saw the Black Friday price which seemed much more palatable to me. So I struck. I’m impressed with the fit and finish of the Choyong LC90 and it is pretty feature rich.
But I have a couple of complaints right out of the gate. These should not be construed as dealbreakers. It is more along the lines of me saying “Really?”
UPDATE JAN 7, 2025: Choyong released a firmware update (4.7) which really took this radio to new heights. A new voice engine from ChatGPT is installed. Podcasts have been added and just an all around set of bug fixes were introduced. This is a whole new ball game and most users are loving the improvements. Including me. If you were on the fence before you can have confidence that the Choyong LC90 is a good purchase.
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