This may seem unusual for what most might consider an Electronics or Computer Tech Blog but this is Human Body Tech. Let me preach on it…………..
Sometime around the year 2000 or so I was ridiculously fat and getting fatter. I finally decided that it was time to knuckle down and do what needed to be done. I was living in Japan and on a business trip to Pax River, Maryland and hopped on a treadmill for the first time. I had to run in boxer shorts and dress socks but I ran a mile on the treadmill.
I’ll spare you the progression story but suffice to say I was a huge “runner” but a runner nonetheless. And along with that hugeness came aches and pains. I was highly motivated to run and read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on. There is no shortage of motivational running literature out there. And then the inevitable happened. I got a mild injury, probably to my IT Band. The IT Band is a thick bunch of fibers that runs along the outside of your thighs and knee. While researching my ouch-ee I read a book called The Pain Free Runner, about Myofascial Release for the first time.
I’m no Doctor or Nurse or Physical Therapist or anything of the sort. I was nothing but a fat, hurt runner. But I’ll my best to explain this in layman’s terms. When some muscle hurts in your body the actual site of the injury or “Trigger Point” is somewhere else. The tension from the knotted muscles or tissue pull and stretch the affected muscle where you feel the pain. Release the knotted muscle and the pain subsides.