Category Archives: laser

Creality Falcon 2 Pro Review

Creality Falcon 2 Pro Review

Creality Falcon 2 Pro

Creality Falcon 2 Pro

I was recently provided a very cool laser to review from the innovators at Creality.  They are the Makers of excellent 3D printers and also desktop laser engravers.  I just got my hands on the Creality Falcon 2 Pro, 22 Watt Desktop Laser Engraver($1099).

I have to say this laser engraver has some very cool features not found in other desktop diode laser machines.  The list is quite substantial.

Buckle up for a cool laser ride.
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Algolaser Alpha MK2 Laser Engraver Review

Algolaser Alpha MK2 Laser Engraver Review

Algolaser Alpha MK2

Algolaser Alpha MK2

Around July of 2023 a new startup laser company, Algolaser provided me their first offering.  The machine was the  Algolaser Alpha which I subsequently reviewed here.  Algolaser, while technically a new brand, was founded by the originator of Ortur Laser.   Ortur was pretty much the first commercial seller of desktop diode laser engravers starting sales around 2019.  Graciously, they have just provided me one of their pre-release machines, the Algolaser Alpha MK2 ($749) to shake down.  Buyers can use the discount code MAX100 for an additional $100 off making the price $649.

Currently, my readers are also provided a mid year sale coupon code for the month of June for an additional $20 off.  The code is YTB$20 and it can be applied during check out. 

While the machines look very similar, the Alpha MK2 is slightly longer and contains a very nice touch screen on the front console.

Algolaser Alpha MK2

MK2 Touch Screen

And without getting too much into the weeds yet let’s just say that the Alpha MK2 is a much smarter machine with a lot more features. The MK2 runs on embedded software that they refer to as Algo Operating System (AOG).  Power remains the same across both models at 22 watts.  That being said, the laser modules differ somewhat between the Alpha and the Alpha MK2.
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2024 Best Laser Engraver

ACMER P2 33 Watt Laser Engraver Review

ACMER P2 33 Watt

ACMER P2 33 Watt Laser Engraver

I recently reviewed the ACMER P1 S Pro and the ACMER P1 and now have been provided the ACMER P2 33 watt Laser Engraver ($799) to review.   At no time has ACMER attempted to influence the content of my reviews.  What you will read is exactly what I think.

I’d be remiss in not mentioning that ACMER is releasing their P3 IR and Diode Dual Laser soon!
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Laser Engraver Side Hustle Discussion

Laser Engraver Side Hustle Discussion

I’ve spent a lot more time on Laser Engraver forums lately and picked a few flowers out of those fields.  I’ll do my best to keep this brief and fun.

Poison Gas

Go to any laser forum and there is always one mama bear who will gasp with disbelief when some people post photos of the items they laser.  She (it is usually a she) will then post something like this:

“OMG, don’t you know that item releases Hydrochloric gas which will kill you and corrode your machine?”
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LaserPecker 4 vs xTool F1

LaserPecker 4 vs xTool F1

LaserPecker 4

LaserPecker 4

I recently got my hands on a LaserPecker 4 (LP4) and am giving it the old one, two.  Conversely, I already own an xTool F1 and thought it would be fun to do a head to head shootout with them.

Both have similar specifications.  And both contain a 2 watt 1064 nm IR laser, and a 450 nm blue diode 10 watt laser.  The working area is roughly similar on both lasers.  Additionally,  both have an extension conveyor and both can be used with a rotary device.

So you’d think that it would difficult to declare one to be better than other?  Trust me.  It wasn’t difficult to determine which one was better.

But we’ll get to that.
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ACMER M2 Rotary Review

ACMER M2 Rotary Review

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ACMER provided me their M2 Rotary Roller ($89) to review.   I am no stranger to laser rotary devices and own at least 7 at the moment.

Many of these rotary devices are similar, however, there are elements that make some better than others.

The first thing I want to say about the ACMER M2 Rotary Roller is that it COMES ASSEMBLED.

There is nothing quite as enjoyable as taking parts, belts, motors and gears out of a box that contains no instructions and trying to put it together.   That simply isn’t the case here.

And it will engrave items from 4mm to 138mm in diameter.  Within that range are 4 width adjustments of 20/40/60/80 mm.
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ACMER P1 10 Watt Laser Review

ACMER P1 10 Watt Laser ReviewACMER P1 10W Laser Engraver and Cutter Machine

My new friends at ACMER recently sent me their P1 S Pro to review and they promptly followed that up by sending me an ACMER P1 10 watt laser engraver, an M2 Rotary Roller, and an R10 Enclosure.

I’ll just be featuring the ACMER P110 watt laser in this blog though and will cover the other items in a subsequent entry.

The P1 laser checks in at $339 on their website with the 10 watt laser head.
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Best Budget Laser For 2024 – ACMER P1 S Pro

Best Budget Laser For 2024 – ACMER P1 S Pro



Desktop lasers entered the consumer market around 2019.  At that time they were reasonably priced.  This is kind of unusual as new Technology hitting the market usually has crazy prices.   However, as laser engravers evolve they are getting more and more expensive.   Finding a great machine at a budget price these days is tricky.   The folks at ACMER Laser Engraver have provided me their ACMER P1 S Pro ($199) to review.

You heard me right.  $199 on their website.  It is also available on their Amazon store for $199.  There are a variety of bundled laser kits as well which contain various options such as an air assist, honeycomb, machine enclosure, or Lightburn software.

Any time a desktop laser engraver pops up in the $200 or so range it excites me.  And this laser really excites me.  I have MANY desktop lasers that I have reviewed and believe me when I tell you that I can tell the good ones from the bad ones.

The ACMER P1 S Pro is a good one.
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xTool F1 Jig For Wine Corks

xTool F1 Jig For Wine Corks

I saw on the xTool F1 forum where someone had been engraving these cool wine stoppers  made of cork.   I ordered a boat load of them and then manufactured a jig that fits in the removable bottom plate area of the xTool F1 laser.

xTool F1

Wine Stopper Jig

While I made this on a CNC machine it could just as easily be made with either a 3D printer (if you possess those skills) or with a laser.  I have included (later in the post) a Vectric CRV file for making the jig.  (Vectric is a CNC file). Also included in the zip file is an SVG vector image with the proper dimensions for cutting out with a laser, and finally an XCS file for engraving the tops.  

Bear in mind that if you use the XCS file you MUST manufacture the jig from either the Vectric CRV file or the SVG image file. 

The downloadable SVG file which contains the perimeter is a 109mm x 109mm rectangle with a 6 degree radius in the corners.

The 9 pockets are 19.3mm in diameter and are spaced 36mm apart. (All designed in Lightburn).

The wood thickness I had was 3/4″ pine and the pocket depths are 12mm deep.  This fits the wine stoppers perfectly.

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Monport Fiber Laser Update

Monport Fiber Laser Update

A couple of months ago I received a Monport Fiber Laser (30 watt Raycus). I just wanted to add a little non-technical discussion regarding this machine to my blog.

Probably about 20 years ago i bought a vinyl sign machine and intended to get rich using it.  It never happened.  Then came 3D printers.  No fame and fortune here either.  Then I bought my first laser, a Chinese K40.  Didn’t make any money here either.  I’ve always run a side hustle and occasionally made some lunch money but never really lit my financial world on fire.
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