4 – Renogy 100 watt SolarPanels
I finally got my last 2 solar panels for my array and got them mounted up and now I can produce a whopping 12volts at around 22 amps. That equals a production of about 264 watts. In English that means my batteries will charge up and top off pretty darn fast.
Yesterday was a nice sunny day and I have never produced energy before 7:30 or 7:45. Yesterday it started around 7:00. By 9 AM my battery was at 13.6 volts which is actually the full operating charge. Before noon sometime I had maxed and was on Float voltage. And by “before noon”, I probably mean 10 or 11 because I wasn’t around to check it.
I did have a “Whoops” moment in the design. When selecting a charge controller you take the number of watts divided by the number of volts to select how high a current regulator you need.
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