I’ve had my SDRPlay RSPDuo for a few weeks now and I’m prepared to talk about it a little bit.
First let me preface this by saying I also own an RSP1 and an RSP2 and while I think they are both fine radios I’ve always had a tiny beef with the SDRPlay devices.
Beef #1 is that to really pack a punch with an RSP device you need SDRUno which is a Windows program. With every fiber of my being I despise Windows. Don’t like it don’t trust it.
And while you most certainly can use an SDRPlay on Linux weird shit happens. Let me also preface this by saying that if you install the Non-Windows Workflow as they say in that Lego movie………..”Everything is Awesome”. Yeah, well, I’m not that guy. I have every SDR known to God and Man and I build the gr-osmosdr stuff by hand to try to use other devices such as PlutoSDR and LimeMiniSDR.