Appliances. We all need ’em. I’m all about high tech but there are some things that just don’t need to be high tech. Things like refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, and hot water heaters should last for DECADES, not a few years.
Seems like there has been a rash of throw away appliances the last few years. I have several friends who bought fancy washers and dryers with computers onboard that dropped dead after a few years with expensive repairs needed to get going again.
Meanwhile my washer and dryer that I bought in 2003 is still going strong with minimal repairs WHICH I DID MYSELF. If a washer has a tub, bearing, motor and timer switch it’s pretty easy to fix. If it is computer controlled with several boards under the hood…… need specific training to fix it.
AND YOU NEED THE MANUALS! I can’t stress enough how important it is to have access to the repair manuals. There are many parts web sites online that have complete Parts Breakdown and Service manuals. Also from those same pages you can order the parts you need. Old reliable appliances had SPARE PARTS made in droves.
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